NRG Block Architectural Products Magazine
2022 Product Innovation Award Winner
The judge's comment:
"A nice option for highly sustainable projects." (12/15/2022) NRG block: growing masonry jobs.
Click here to watch masons installing NRG 10 block.
We appreciate and respect your hard work. We are here to help you, the mason, win more masonry jobs.
Thank you, in advance, for
respecting an NRG spec.
Why is it critical to respect and
maintain an NRG Block spec?
Because NRG creates a more valuable building, with a higher return on investment, than an inferior block.
We spend a great deal of time educating owners, architects, and engineers.
They spec an NRG block because they know the value of continuous insulation with zero thermal bridges.
Owners and designers who specify NRG deserve to get NRG. Substituting inferior products while claiming them "as equal" helps no one in the long run.
Eventually, the utility bills arrive,
and with them, the truth about thermal performance of inferior products.
Protect your reputation by
protecting an NRG spec.
Treat your customers as you wish to be treated, yes? Please, give them the best.
Give them NRG.
Each NRG insulated cmu features truly continuous insulation with zero thermal bridges. The science is clear: energy transfer across thermal bridges decreases a wall's efficiency and increases building operating costs. Other insulated block has thermal bridges.
NRG full and half high 8" units are the industry's ONLY load bearing, continuously insulated cmu's with ZERO thermal bridges.
Thanks again for respecting NRG specs.
The NRG 8 is "flipped" each course to maintain continuous insulation.
Accept the challenge. Reap the rewards.
NRG has a brief learning curve, but mastering NRG can win jobs and strengthen the masonry industry.
As with anything new, the first day on the job with NRG can be challenging as you get used to NRG's quirks. By the second day, most professional masons find their groove with NRG.
Years ago, we spoke with the national director of training at the IMI in Washington. He was confident that he could train any professional mason to install NRG with near normal productivity in one day. Masons report production numbers 15- 20% lower than standard cmu walls when installing NRG. Watch the short video of masons laying NRG, and check out the production numbers on this page.
The guys in the video told us that NRG was a new challenge that they welcomed. They accepted it. They mastered it. Just another day at the office for true professional masons.
NOTE: All NRG units installed as exterior walls must be installed with water repellent in the mortar mix.
NRG 8 (left) and other insulated block (right).
Simple thing: NRG has no thermal bridges; other insulated block does. Energy crosses thermal bridges, wasting money and energy. That adds substantial cost (and carbon) over the lifetime of the building.
Getting the production numbers right.
It's crucial to accurately estimate productvity numbers, especially when you are installing something new.
Your hard work as a master craftsperson deserves to be fairly rewarded.
Ths following information is from a couple professional masons. Of course every project is different, but we want to share their NRG experience with you.
The first guy, Cory, is a young, hard charging guy in St. Louis, an energetic young face in a graying profession. Cory and another mason and a block tender installed 400 NRG 8" ground face units per day in a fully-grouted, fully-reinforced NRG 8 wall.
Steve Richard is a very experienced mason who also teaches masonry arts at Alfred State College in Alfred, NY.
Steve has installed a couple NRG buildings, most recently a highly reinforced fire station in Genesee, PA. He estimated production for the NRG 12" (66lbs) at 175 blocks per day for his two person crew. Steve estimates production for a lightly reinforced straight run NRG 12" wall at between 250 and 300 blocks per day for a two person crew.
Would you like to become an NRG producer?
We have the world's only continuously insulated load bearing 8" cmu. Think about how that may help your bottom line.
Experienced NRG Masonry Contractors
Eastern NY
BBL Construction Jon Kirk
(518) 573-7435
NY State and Northeastern USFlower City Masonry
George Bethlendy
5 Poinciana Drive, Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (585)218-4380 Fax: (585)218-4291
Feel free to call!
What can we do for you? Look around the website, or pick up the phone and call, or use the box below, whatever works for you.
Call me, Marty Walters, General Manager (716) 947-9298, 9am-5pm EST, or drop me a line.
Truly, I welcome your call.
Let's talk about how we can help your project.
Marty Walters
General Manager